

GCG Policy
Good Corporate Governance Implementation


The principle of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) is applied to every aspect of its business in each of its business activities at all levels or levels of the organization. The Principles of Governance that must be ensured include transparency, accountability, responsibility, independence and fairness and equality needed to achieve the sustainability of the Corporate’s business by taking into account the Stakeholders.



1.  Transparency

Transparency is an openness in the decision-making process and in the disclosure and provision of relevant information about the Corporate, which is easily accessible to Shareholders in accordance with the laws and regulations in the field of financing as well as standards, principles, and the practice of conducting sound financing business.

2.  Accountability

Accountability is the clarity of functions and implementation of the accountability of the Company's Organ so that the Corporate’s performance can be carried out transparently, fairly, effectively and efficiently.

3. Responsibility

Responsibility is the suitability of the management of the Corporate with the laws and regulations in the field of financing and ethical values as well as standards, principles, and practices of conducting a sound financing business.

4. Independence

Independence is the condition of the Corporate which is managed independently and professionally and is free from Conflict of Interest and the influence or pressure of any party that is not in accordance with the laws and regulations in the field of financing and ethical values as well as standards, principles, and practices of sound financing operations.

  5. Fairness  

Fairness is equality, balance, and fairness in fulfilling the Stakeholders' rights arising from agreements, legislation and ethical values as well as standards, principles, and the practice of conducting a sound financing business.





To assist the Board of Commissioners in supervising and monitoring the implementation of governance in PT MNC Guna Usaha Indonesia, a Governance Committee was formed which is chaired by an Independent Commissioner.



In order to ensure, support and encourage the implementation of adequate governance, PT MNC Guna Usaha Indonesia ensures the adequacy of governance documents, including:

►  Anti-Fraud Policy

►  Governance Policy

►  Risk Management Policy

►  Employee Code of Ethics & Corporate Value Policy

►  Directors’ Code of Conduct

►  Board of Commissioners’ Code of Conduct

►  Shariah Supervisory Board’s Code of Conduct

►  Charter for each committee formed

►  Whistleblowing system

►  Organizational structure



PT MNC Guna Usaha Indonesia conducts a self-assessment as the implementation of governance on an annual basis, the scope of the assessment is as follows:

►  The implementation of Duties and Responsibilities of Directors, Board of Commissioners and SSB.

►  Completeness and implementation of the duties of the audit committee or functions that assist the Board of Commissioners.

►  Implementation of compliance functions, internal auditors, and external auditors.

►  Implementation of risk management and internal control systems.

►  Application of remuneration policies and other facilities.

►  Transparency of the Corporate’s financial and non-financial conditions.

►  Long-term plans and annual work plans and budgets.

►  Disclosure of share ownership.

►  Financial relations and family relations for the Directors.

►  Financial relations and family relations for the Board of Commissioners.

►  Disclosure of other important things.

In the framework of implementing integrated governance in financial conglomerates, as part/member of a financial conglomerate, MNC Leasing conducts a self-assessment on the implementation of governance in a semi-annual manner.


PT MNC Guna Usaha Indonesia prepares and submits reports on the implementation of the Corporate’s governance on an annual basis to the FSA, in accordance with the provisions of the Circular of the Financial Services Authority Number 15/SEOJK.05/2016 concerning the Good Corporate Governance Implementation Report for Financing Companies.